

    To learn more about transdisciplinarity and transdisciplinary education, we recommend the following literature:

    Choi, C.K., Pak, A.W.P., (2006). Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in health research, services, education and policy: 1. Definitions, objectives, and evidence of effectiveness. Clinical Investment in Medicine, 29(6), 351-364.

    Cosmovici Idsøe, E. M. (2019). How can academia create a transdisciplinary environment for sustainable development and what are the challenges? https://www.fpol.no/idsoe2/. Accessed 9 May 2023.

    Cosmovici Idsøe, E. M. (2019). Will Transdisciplinarity Become the New Mantra for Institutions of Higher Education? https://www.fpol.no/will-transdisciplinarity-become-the-new-mantra-for-institutions-of-higher-education/. Accessed 9 May 2023.

    Dehens J, de Hemptinne M, Galouchka M, Sajud A, van Otzel RP, Vanhoorebeeck C, Wyszkowska M, Kiekens A, Nova Blanco JR, & Vandamme A-M. (2017) Transdisciplinary experience in a pilot year of a new Honours Programme at the KU Leuven - University of Leuven: building a team, developing and improving a transdisciplinary project through solving a challenge on HIV drug resistance in Africa. Transdisciplinary Insights, 1, 9-32. Leuven University Press. doi: 10.11116/TDI2017.1.2

    Fam, D., Neuhauser, L. & Gibbs, P. (Eds.) (2018). Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice and Education: The Art of Collaborative Research and Collective Learning. Springer.

    Gibbs, P. (Ed.) (2017). Transdisciplinary Higher Education: A Theoretical Basis Revealed in Practice. Springer.

    Klein, J. T. (2014). Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity: Keyword Meanings for Collaboration Science and Translational Medicine. Journal of Translational Medicine & Epidemiology, 2(2), 1024.

    McGregor, S. L. T., Volckmann, R. (2013). Transversity: Transdisciplinarity in higher education. In G. Hampson & M. RichTolsma (Eds.), Leading transformative higher education (pp. 58- 81). Olomouc, Czech Republic: Palacky University Press

    Maasen, S., & Lieven, O. (2006). Transdisciplinarity: A new mode of governing science? Science and Public Policy, 33(6), 399-410. doi:10.3152/147154306781778803

    Nicolescu, B. (1992). Manifesto for Transdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion & Science. https://inters.org/Freitas-Morin-Nicolescu-Transdisciplinarity. Accessed 11 November 2022.

    OECD report (2020). Addressing Societal Challenges Using Transdisciplinary Research. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, 88.

    Sengupta, P., Shanahan, M., & Kim, B. (Eds.). (2019). Critical, transdisciplinary and embodied approaches in stem education. Springer International Publishing AG.

    Smeers, I., Himpens, J., Grancitelli, L. & Snick, A. (2020). Co-creating a Young Persons’ Guide to a Sustainable Future: Analysis of Learning Steps in a Transdisciplinary Honours Course. Transdisciplinary Insights, 4, 25–47. Leuven University Press, Online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11116/TDI2020.4.2

    Takeuchi, M. A., Sengupta, P., Shanahan, M.-C., Adams, J. D., Hachem, M. (2019). Transdisciplinarity in STEM education: a review. Studies in Science Education, 56, pp. 213-253.